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Everything posted by LegendsNeverDie2

  1. Game Created by : TypicalLegend Game: KENO Challenge Name: K for KENO Risk: Medium Result: 7.00x What to do: Each player that is joining the "K for KENO Challenge" MUST select ALL TEN (10) numbers in KENO and place the numbers in a "K" shape. Player can place the "K" formation anywhere on the board. Six (6) out of the ten (10) numbers that you selected must be in the "K" SEE EXAMPLE What to do when you succeeded: When six (6) of the ten (10) numbers that you selected to form the K is successfully chosen, go to "MY BETS" and select the "BET ID" and immediately post it to the Forum named "Challenge : K for KENO" REMEMBER THERE CAN ONLY BE 3 WINNERS BE FAST AND ACCURATE REWARD 1st Place = 5 BCD 2nd Place = 3 BCD 3rd Place = 2 BCD GOOD LUCK
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